Summary of Graph Attention Networks

P. Veličković, G. Cucurull, A. Casanova, A. Romero, P. Liò and Y. Bengio. Graph Attention Networks. ICLR 2018.

  • This paper introduces Graph Attention Networks (GATs), a novel neural network architecture based on masked self-attention layers for graph-structured data.

  • A Graph Attention Network is composed of multiple Graph Attention and Dropout layers, followed by a softmax or a logistic sigmoid function for single/multi-label classification.

Graph Attention Layer

  • A single Graph Attention Layer is parameterized by a \, \epsilon\ R^{2F'} and W \,\epsilon\ R^{F' x F}, with input h \,\epsilon\, R^{N x F} (N nodes and F features per node) and output h' \,\epsilon\, R^{N x F'}.

  • First, self-attention coefficient e_{ij} = LeakyReLu({a}^T [W\vec{h_i}\| W\vec{h_j}^T]) is computed, with \| representing concatenation and LeakyReLu set with \alpha of 0.2.

  • e_{ij} is the attention coefficient between node i and node j, which indicates the importance of node j’s features to node i.

  • Masked attention is employed to maintain the graph structure - by computing e_{ij} only for nodes j \, \epsilon\ N_i, where N_i is some neighbourhood of node i in the graph. In this paper, the neighbourhood size is fixed to 1 (and includes node i itself).

  • The coefficients are then normalized (across all choices of j) using the following softmax function to make them easily comparable across different nodes: \alpha_{i,j} = softmax_j \, (e_{ij}) = \frac {exp(e_{ij})} {\sum_{k \, \epsilon\ N_i} exp(e_{ik})}

  • The final output feature for node i is then computed as: \vec{h_i'} = \sigma(\sum_{j \epsilon N_i} \alpha_{i,j} W\vec{h_j}) where \sigma is the activation function.

  • Multi-head attention is used to stabilize the learning process of self-attention, by concatenating the output of K independent attention mechanisms: \vec{h_i'} = ||_{k=1}^K \sigma(\sum_{j \epsilon N_i} \alpha_{i,j}^k W^k\vec{h_j}) where \alpha_{i,j}^k is the normalized attention coefficient computed with the k-th attention mechanism a^k and W^k is the corresponding weight matrix. Hence, the output \vec{h_i} will have KF' instead of F' features.

  • For the final (prediction) layer of the network, averaging is first applied to the sum of the output from each attention head, before the final non-linearity is applied: \vec{h_i'} = \sigma(\frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{j \epsilon N_i} \alpha_{i,j}^k W^k\vec{h_j})

  • During training, dropout is applied to layer’s input and normalized attention coefficients, \alpha_{ij}. Hence, each node is exposed to a stochastically sampled neighbourhood.

Advantages of GATs

  • A single GAT attention head with F' features can be computed in O(\text{\textbar}V\text{\textbar}FF' + \text{\textbar}E\text{\textbar}F') , on par with Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) (Kipf & Welling, 2017)

  • Unlike GCNs, GATs allows for (implicit) assigning of different importances to nodes in the same neighbourhood. Analyzing the weights might lead to benefits in interpretability.

  • The attention mechanism is applied in a shared manner across all edges in the graph, hence it does not require upfront access to the global graph strcture or features of all of its nodes.

  • The graph is not required to be undirected. \alpha_{ij} can be left out if edge j \rightarrow i is not present.

  • GAT can be used for both inductive (evaluated on graphs completely unseen during training) and transductive learning.

Experimental Setup

  • Transductive Learning (Cora & Citeseer): Two-layer GAT model, with K = 8 attention heads and F' = 8 features in first layer, followed by an exponential linear unit (ELU). Second layer is used for classfication with C output features (# of classes), K = 1, followed by a softmax activation. L_2 regularization is set to 0.0005. Dropout with p = 0.6 is applied to both layers’ inputs and normalized attention coefficients, \alpha_{ij}.

  • Transductive Learning (Pubmed): Two-layer GAT model, with K = 8 and F' = 8 in first layer, followed by ELU nonlinearity. Second layer is used for classfication with C output features and K = 8, followed by a softmax activation. L_2 regularization is set to 0.001 and dropout is set to p = 0.6.

  • Inductive Learning (PPI): Three-layer GAT model, with K = 4 and F' = 256 features on first two layers, followed by ELU nonlinearity. Final layer has K = 6 and C = 121, followed by a logistic sigmoid activation. No regularization is used as the training set is sufficiently large. Skip connections are added across the intermediate attentional layer.


  • GATs outperformed GCNs on Cora and Citeseer by 1.5% and 1.6% respectively, and matching GCNs performance on the Pubmed dataset.

  • GATs outperformed GraphSAGE by 20.5% on the PPI dataset.


Q: How would changing the neighbourhood size affect results? How about using different neighbourhood size in different layers?

Q: In the context of semi-supervised clustering, if signal embedding is used as input h_i, and majority of the unlabelled nodes sharing the same h_i, how can the attention co-efficient be effective computed?

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